How your skin ages


Internal and external factors bring about changes to the surface of our skin slowing down the replacement of dead skin cells with new cells.

Internally, structural support degrades slowly, gradually we lose collagen and elastin. The skin loses elasticity and is not as strong as when we are younger. The activity of sebaceous glands also declines with age, and this is why our skin becomes dry. This is why ‘medically active skin care’ is so important. Moisturisers will not change your skin, you need a product to switch on your cells and create change from the inside.

Externally, the most common contributing factor to the appearance of ageing skin is sun damage. Sun damage can also be described as ‘photo-ageing’. Sun damage can affect both the texture of our skin (wrinkles, enlarged pores, roughness) and pigmentation. Pigmentation forms from some other causes such as pregnancy, but commonly it is caused by sun damage. This is why in Australia you should always wear a sunscreen with zinc oxide to protect you from UVA and UVB rays. There are other external factors that cause facial ageing such as smoking and pollution. These can speed up ‘free radical damage’. Free radicals can damage cell membranes and interact with cell DNA. This can contribute to a variety of problems including pigmentation and wrinkles.

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